20. May 2021 Press Release

orange goes green: How sustainable mobility is also developed sustainably

From organic coffee to its own bee colony - in-tech also promotes environmental protection in everyday corporate life

What do bees have to do with the future of mobility? At in-tech, it is the interest in the topic of environmental protection. The technology company develops solutions for an environmentally friendly change in transport, for example with software or hardware for electric mobility, car sharing or rail transport. The company also promotes environmental protection internally and has launched the 'orange goes green' project. The aim is to promote sustainable action in everyday working life.

As part of the project, several bee colonies have now moved into the Heinenkamp site in Wolfsburg. The insects help to maintain biodiversity in the green spaces around the company building. A beekeeper looks after the bees and later harvests the honey. Employees can later purchase the honey from their own production.

Sustainability in all aspects of everyday work

"We are developing solutions for the sustainable mobility of tomorrow and are driving forward the transport revolution. Of course, we also want to act as sustainably as possible in our everyday business," says Tobias Wagner, Managing Director at in-tech. "With 'orange goes green', we have launched a sustainability initiative that takes a close look at all aspects of everyday working life at in-tech." Employees can also make suggestions on how the company can do more to protect the environment in everyday life.

In the course of the project, various "green" strategies have already been established that run through all of the company's processes: Only e-cars in the company's own vehicle fleet, green electricity throughout the company, organic cleaning agents or climate-neutral shipping are just a few examples. Even in the coffee kitchens, employees find organic and Fairtrade products with as little packaging as possible, and the employee shop now only offers sustainable textiles. "In addition, we are currently determining a carbon footprint in order to reduce our CO2 footprint even further in the future," he says.

About in-tech

in-tech shapes digitalization in the automotive industry, rail transport and industry. The company develops solutions for the automotive, eMobility, transport systems and smart industry sectors. The developers and engineers at in-tech work, for example, on topics such as autonomous driving, electromobility, digital rail or smart industrial production.

The company was founded in 2002 and has been consistently growing ever since. in-tech currently employs around 2300 people at locations in Germany, Austria, the USA, China, the UK, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Spain and Romania. The owner-managed company shines as an excellent employer with an outstanding corporate culture: the company has already received several awards for its good working atmosphere, internal team spirit and excellent work-life balance.

Press contact:

Martin Farjah
Phone: 0531 387 33 22

Christine Oertel, Kerstin Liedtke