Compliance tests and training

With comprehensive expertise in automotive data communication, we offer a full service for a smooth and timely start of production.

As a member of the OPEN Alliance, we are actively involved in the development of test specifications for various application areas. We test and certify control units across all ISO/OSI layers and are a test house recognized by the MOST Cooperation.

Compliance Test for Automotive Ethernet & Protocols

As a member of the OPEN Alliance, we are actively involved in developing test specifications for various application areas. We test and certify ECUs across all ISO/OSI layers and cover the OPEN Alliance TC8 v2 & TC8 v3.

MOST Compliance Testing

We are a test house recognized by the MOST Cooperation. We test and evaluate MOST25, MOST50 and MOST150 (oPhy and cPhy) based ECUs in relation to the following areas:

  • MOST Full Electrical Physical Layer Compliance

  • MOST Optical Limited Physical Layer Compliance

  • MOST Core Compliance and Extended Core Compliance MHP and ECL

  • MOST Profile Compliance


Our training concept is based on modular courses and customer-specific workshops, which we create in consultation with you. Companies benefit from the many years of experience of our trainers. In addition, we only use the latest hardware and software versions in our training courses, guaranteeing an effective and first-class transfer of knowledge.

Hardware solutions

Automotive Ethernet Interoperabilitätstester

The Automotive Ethernet Interoperability (IOP) Tester offers an ideal test solution for ECU interoperability tests according to TC8 v1 and TC8 v2 of the OPEN ALLIANCE.

The Automotive Ethernet IOP Tester verifies ECUs for interoperability with other ECUs for Layer 1, based on (100BASE-T1/1000BASE-T1). It offers an open application programming interface (API) and is therefore easy to integrate into existing test systems. Users can create their own tests and test sequences. Measurements of connection time, signal quality and cable diagnostics are included in the test scope.

Ethernet Switch Tests

Validation of an automotive Ethernet switch from FPGA to silicon:

  • Switching

  • Benchmarking

  • TSN

  • Configuration

  • IEEE802.1X

  • Automotive Use Cases, e.g. Logging concept (remote mirroring), AVB streaming, Robustness testing

Automotive-specific AVB tests for individual ECU and system integration tests

The AVB endpoint simulation visualizes the specific AVB behaviour, emulates certain fault patterns and verifies the timing behaviour. It can also be used to validate switching semiconductors and switching control units, e.g. to precisely measure the accuracy of time synchronization.

Basic Functions

  • IEEE 802.1AS (gPTP)

  • IEEE 802.1BA (AVB systems)

  • IEEE 802.1Qat (MRP/MSRP/MVRP)

  • IEEE 802.1Qav (FQTSS)

  • IEEE 1722 (AVTP und MAAP)

  • IEEE 1722.1 (AVDECC)

Advanced Functions

  • Compensation for onboard delays (Phy + Chip + Board)

  • 100BASE-TX or optional 100BASE-T1 (BroadR-Reach) port

  • Simulation of automotive AVB device with induced failure behavior

  • Simulation of 1-step or 2-step clock behavior

  • Support of BMCA or static gPTP grandmaster/gPTP slave

  • Customized adjustment of protocol parameters

  • Logging of timestamps for master and slave operation

  • Output for PPS signals and customized trigger signals

Ethernet Live Monitor

The Ethernet Live Monitor (ELM) is the ideal solution for testing of the correct TSN/AVB implementation in Ethernet networks. Implemented rule checkers identify errors in the TSN/AVB protocol family in real time and initiate a recording in the data logger through the trigger output. An additional monitoring function displays analysis data and the history of detected errors in real time on the PC client and provides information about time deviation of the TSN/AVB implementation.

Automotive Ethernet Tester

With the Automotive Ethernet Tester (AET), we provide a highly automated test solution for OPEN ALLIANCE TC8 switching and component-level TSN/AVB testing. The test system is fully controlled via a PC Control Application. Test suites are available for the respective test scopes and contain individual test cases. These are script-based and parameterized before a test run via a single configuration file that contains all relevant DUT properties. The recorded data is automatically stored in a predefined folder structure. In addition, the system includes an infrastructure to fully record sent and received data. An additional AET Analyzer tool is available to analyze the recorded data. It accesses the file structure and generates a result protocol from the recorded data.

The test system consists of a 19” test rack with control and analysis software. Depending on the implementation, the test system can contain up to 15 Ethernet ports (100BASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1), each of which can simulate and evaluate specific test scenarios.

  • Up to 15 x 100 / 1000BASE-T1 ports for generating and recording traffic

  • Display and PPS output for accurate evaluation of gPTP synchronization

  • Display for port status

  • Controlled power supply for DUT

  • Script-based creation of test cases

  • Test suites for OPEN ALLIANCE TC8 Switching, Automotive gPTP, 1722 Talker, QAV

  • Test suites for QBV and other TSN features are in development

Software solutions

SOME/IP Deserializer for Plug-in for Wireshark (V2.2.5)

We provide a SOME/IP Deserializer with plug-in for Wireshark to simplify the analysis of traces with SOME/IP messages for automotive Ethernet. The SOME/IP Deserializer allows the clear display of the structures and data types of the SOME/IP header and SOME/IP payload from trace files (pcap) or live analyses. Payload structures and data types are analyzed and displayed as XML data (ASAM standard) according to the appropriate FIBEX files.

  • Analysis and Deserialization of a serial SOME/IP message into a tree structure

  • Various functionalities for the evaluation of message details

  • Methods for processing of complex messages trees (structures, unions, etc.)

  • Request individual signals

  • Set up internal instance of desired message (tree layout) and send signal

  • Define signal by means of enumerated strings

  • Receive indicator on byte array with serialized message

  • Customized puffer usage (e.g. Message delivery to test system)

Please note that the parsed information is optimized to the BMW SP2018.

Upper Tester for Automotive TCP/IP stacks

The TCP/IP UpperTester (UT) provides the implementation of a simple client for testing TCP stacks on a Device Under Test (DUT). Implemented on an ECU, the UT offers several functionalities (e.g. opening and closure of communications sockets). The tester triggers these functions by UDP orders, so called ServicePrimitives (SP).

TCP/IP UpperTester Adaption

The UT sources are in simple C89. For the regulation of network functionalities of the stacks to be tested, it uses the BSD socket API, which was published in 1983. This API is implemented in common UNIX systems, (slightly modified) in Windows, and in most TCP/IP stacks for embedded.
The UT can also be implemented in the AUTOSAR software of Elektrobit or VECTOR Informatik with the appropriate adaptations.

Service Primitives

A short list of extensions:

    Request UpperTester version

    This ServicePrimitive is for logging only and does not execute test relevant activities.

    This ServicePrimitive is for logging only and does not execute test relevant activities.

    Closure of a socket (usually at the end of a test)

    Generates a socket and connects it to a local port/IP address, if necessary

    Initiates the UT to send data to a predetermined address

    Puts the UT in a specific mode to forward incoming telegrams to the test system

    Prepares the UT to accept incoming connection request

    Executes the typical TCP handshake

    Executes a shut-down with the given socket

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